Angelos Ashes

Angelos Ashes, 2015
Angelos Ashes, 2015

In 1953, Angelos Ashes was born in Hampstead in the North of London. In his youth, he was wandering The Heath and local woodlands.


Within nature, he found a sanctuary, a place of contemplation and inner enquiry. There, away from the turmoil of a big city, he wrote his first poem.


Not able to answer the expectations on him at home and in school, he ran away from everything, and, in young years already, turned to a life of hedonism.


Apart from all changes, he always returned to his love of reading and letters. Though not interested in religion as such, the poet always felt greatly in tune with the spiritual teachings he met at different stations of his life – not only in Berlin of the early 1970s or during the past ten years in Thailand or India.


1981 his spiritual interest lead him to meditation with Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi who taught him to enter the inner kingdom. Through this journey, he was able to turn away from the destructive elements in his life and began expressing his perceptions of the inner beauty contained within each and everyone of us. While preparing his first novel, today Angelos Ashes is living in Western Australia.